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Dorchester NH
Dorchester is almost entirely forested, which reflects the statistic that approximately 84% of New Hampshire is forested. Forests and the forest industry have played an integral role in New Hampshire's history and in shaping it's state-wide character, and continue to do so.

Forest Stewardship
New Hampshire's enduring forest ecosystem is due in part to the state's history of forest management, as well as dedication to long-term stewardship from both landowners and the timber industry. Forest stewardship ensures protection of water quality, wildlife habitat conservation, responsible silviculture (science of growing and cultivation of trees), recreation, and other positive attributes that forestry contributes to municipalities, counties, and state-wide.
As a forest landowner in Dorchester, please consider stewardship of your property when considering timber harvesting and any other projects. To do so, the explore the resources below, available to NH landowners.
Resources for Land Owners

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